Archive for the
‘News’ Category
The IAB GCC Board of Directors adopted new membership categories to take effect immediately for new members and November 15, 2021 for current members.Posted on: Thursday 7 October 2021 | IAB GCC After an internal review aiming at increasing fairness in the membership categories structure and clarifying the benefits for each category, the IAB GCC [...]
The IAB GCC will be unveiling the results of the long-awaited 2020 Digital Adspend Study for the MENA region.Posted on: Monday 13 September 2021 | IAB GCC Years in the making, this is the first official digital-industry approved adspend survey. Working with the regionās main digital buyers and sellers, a unique methodology was agreed and [...]
MENA Digital Ad-Market Sizing Study PostponedPosted on: Monday 26 April 2021 | IAB GCC Following the COVID-19 related delay to the IAB Market sizing study, the IAB GCC is pleased to announce that the survey will now be relaunched. This will be the first industry led independent survey sizing the digital ad market in the [...]
Get Involved With The Standards & Guidelines Sub-CommitteePosted on: Monday 16 November 2020 | IAB GCC Standards & Guidelines Sub-Committee Still undecided which Research and Measurement sub-committee to join! The Standards and Guidelines Sub-Committee would like to share a quick update on the focus areas and timelines and invite you to get involved. Youāll know [...]
Call To Action: Join One Of The Research & Measurement Sub-CommitteesPosted on: Thursday 12 November 2020 | IAB GCC Research & Measurement Committee The IAB R&MĀ CommitteeĀ aims to become the authority onĀ measurement andĀ attribution standards, research insights and digital adspend trends in an effort to drive industry growth through increasedĀ trust and sustainability. We would like to invite [...]
Call To Action: Join One Of The L&D Sub-CommitteesPosted on: Wednesday 14 October 2020 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee The IAB L&D committeeĀ collaborates with the industryĀ on the developmentĀ of unbiasedĀ digital learningĀ and development programmes to expand the market's understanding of how digital best practices drive their business success. We would like to invite you, our [...]
IAB Brand Disruption WeekPosted on: Wednesday 30 September 2020 | IAB GCCOn November 9-12, IAB is hosting two exciting events as part of the Brand Disruption Week, and IAB GCC is pleased to inform all IAB GCC members of the special pricing for this event as part of the IAB Global Network!IAB Brand Disruption Summit, [...]
The IAB Board has established a number of committees around 6 key priorities.Ā These committees help drive the industry forward and manageĀ the activities of the Association,
Following an Ordinary Board of Directors meeting held on June 16, 2020, the IAB Board of Directors adoptedĀ a board resolution creating 6 Committees.
IAB GCC Board Elected its 2020-2021 Chair and Vice-ChairPosted on: Thursday 21 May 2020 | IAB GCC On May 21, 2020, during an Ordinary Board of Directors meeting, the IABGCC Board elected Rayan Karaky as Chairperson and Michel Malkoun as Vice Chair for a 2 year period. They will be focused on leading an elected [...]