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The IAB GCC Board of Directors adopted new membership categories to take effect immediately for new members and November 15, 2021 for current members.Posted on: Thursday 7 October 2021 | IAB GCC After an internal review aiming at increasing fairness in the membership categories structure and clarifying the benefits for each category, the IAB GCC [...]
The GCC chapter of the Interactive Advertising Bureau released a first of its kind industry study in MENA to measure investment for the region.Posted on: Wednesday 22 September 2021 | IAB GCC The IAB board that includes 14 of the leading companies in the ad industry (Choueiri Group | DMS, MBC Group, MMP World Wide, [...]
The IAB GCC will be unveiling the results of the long-awaited 2020 Digital Adspend Study for the MENA region.Posted on: Monday 13 September 2021 | IAB GCC Years in the making, this is the first official digital-industry approved adspend survey. Working with the region’s main digital buyers and sellers, a unique methodology was agreed and [...]
eCommerce in MENAPosted on: Sunday 4 July 2021 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee eCommerce spending in the GCC is expected to reach around $30B in 2021, a growth of 20% since 2020, well above other sales channels. While some of this growth can be attributed to the pandemic effect, much of this shift in behaviour is expected [...]
Diversity & Inclusion Census is now life. The IAB GCC is supporting the global initiative of the WFA to gather data about diversity and inclusion in our industryPosted on: Tuesday 22 June 2021 | IAB GCC Diversity & Inclusion Committee Add your voice to the world’s first global diversity and inclusion census in marketing WFA [...]
iOS 14.5 Impact on AdvertisingPosted on: Wednesday 26 May 2021 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee In May, iOS14.5 was released by Apple. This update included some privacy-first changes which could have a profound effect on Ad-targeting to Apple mobile users. Is this a ground-breaking step towards consumer privacy awareness and control or an Ad-breaking step which will [...]
The Power Of AudioPosted on: Monday 3 May 2021 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee With the recent launches of new audio options for consumers and the continued growth of existing ones, audio advertising is once again high on the advertising agenda. In this edition of MENAVOICES, our members give valuable insights into the Power of Audio as a medium, [...]
MENA Digital Ad-Market Sizing Study PostponedPosted on: Monday 26 April 2021 | IAB GCC Following the COVID-19 related delay to the IAB Market sizing study, the IAB GCC is pleased to announce that the survey will now be relaunched. This will be the first industry led independent survey sizing the digital ad market in the [...]
Data PrivacyPosted on: Thursday 25 March 2021 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee The intertwined issues of data privacy and responsible advertising have never been more at the forefront of debate, both globally and regionally. Whilst data and digital are led by a whole host of different regulations, there are common trends that are emerging in [...]
Brand SafetyPosted on: Sunday 21 February 2021 | IAB GCC Learning & Development Committee As we continue to heavily invest in digital advertising, an equally heavy emphasis must be placed on brand safety to promote the flow of advertising budgets to participants in digital advertising that uphold trust and quality. But even before we start [...]